
Our partners

ForestX enjoys a great many collaborations and exchanges with partners who are all specialists in their own fields, including major product suppliers, developers of niched system solutions and handpicked experts in areas such as AI and machine learning, all of whom can complement our customer offer.

Connected Forest

In collaborating with Trimble Forestry, we see an experienced, long-term partner that shares our attitude to delivering modular systems that precisely meet customer needs, rather than universal and expensive development projects.

Connected Forest consists of various modules that can be used to optimise and digitise many of the forestry sector’s processes, either individually or in combination. ForestX is Trimble Forest’s general agent for the Swedish, Norwegian and Danish markets.

Read more about our partnership with Trimble here >

AI/Linda Forest

CollectiveCrunch is an AI leader in the forestry industry. The startup collects climate, geo and process data and crunches this information into AI models for better prediction of forest inventories.


The product is called Linda Forest and is delivered via a SaaS platform. By using Linda Forest our customers can make better buying and selling decisions, understand risks from climate change and opportunities in CO2 trading.


Read more about our partnership with Collective Crunch here >

Analysis and reporting solutions

Using Metapraxis Empower, we look beyond the details to model, plan and analyse the future, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. With many years of experience in the forestry sector, this partnership allows us to offer automated holistic solutions in strategic CPM, advanced analysis, decision-making support and consolidated reporting and auditing.

Development partner

Our collaboration with Euvic provides us with access to a large number of integration specialists, a field in which we see a wide skills gap at our customers, specifically in Microsoft BizTalk and Logic Apps/Azure.

Euvic employs approximately 2,500 IT specialists, mostly based in Poland, and works with ForestX in the forestry sector.


A world leader in optimization analytics and intelligence for forest-to-mill planning, land and asset management, Remsoft technologies transform data into insights to optimize critical decisions.


Read more about our partnership with Remsoft here >

GIS/analysis of map and image material

Dianthus specializes in system development, geographic information systems and remote sensing in the forest industry. The combination of a very large industry knowledge with cutting-edge expertise in these areas has given Dianthus great competitive advantages and is a well-known name in forest Sweden. For example, the company has customers such as SCA and Stora Enso. Dianthus was founded in 2000.


Read more about our partnership with Dianthus here >

AI and machine learning

In Tenfifty, we have identified a strong partner for the implementation of AI solutions and machine learning where they can be of greatest benefit. We have conducted a number of exciting projects together that can create major changes to our customers’ processes.

Development partner

ForestX and its founders have nurtured the company’s partnership with MentorMate for some time. Through MentorMate, we have access to Bulgaria’s largest IT consultancy, with over 500 employees in five locations, allowing us to scale our development teams up or down depending on our customer’s needs and wishes.

Among the skills we currently utilise are system architects, frontend and backend developers, designers and quality assurance testers.

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