ForestX and Dianthus in cooperation agreement: Unique forestry GIS and remote sensing expertise broadens ForestX’s offering
ForestX and Dianthus enter into a joint collaboration.
– Dianthus has a unique expertise in the analysis of maps and images as well as GIS. We are entering into this cooperation to develop our expertise and to reach more forestry operations, says Johan Bergström, ForestX.
Dianthus AB, based in the north of Sweden in the city of Boden, is run by Fredrik Walter, CEO, and Daniel Nilede. Dianthus’ technology is largely based on the research and development that Fredrik Walter has carried out both now and in the past within image and remote sensing.
– We may be very small, but we are also very sharp and work together with most of the major Swedish forestry companies, says Fredrik Walter, CEO of Dianthus.

Dianthus specializes in systems development, geographic information systems and remote sensing in the forest industry. The combination of a very large industry knowledge with excellence in the mentioned areas has given Dianthus great competitive advantages and is a well-known name in forest Sweden. The company has customers such as SCA and Stora Enso. Dianthus was founded in 2000.
Unique technical competence
– The cooperation will strengthen the competitive position of both of our customers. Dianthus has a unique technical competence in maps and analysis of map material, says Christer Lindqvist, Marketing Manager of ForestX.
– The market for remote sensing data is accelerating. Together with Dianthus, we are ready when the industry takes the next step, says Johan Bergström, ForestX.

ForestX digitizes and creates value for the forest industry by combining new technology, process knowledge, business knowledge together with a portfolio of unique industry solutions. The company was founded in 2018 and today has close to 45 employees in Sweden and India.
Product development
Both parties see the collaboration as deep and far-reaching. The companies will be jointly involved in product development and will share resources and expertise with each other.
– We will develop and disseminate the expertise that Dianthus brings to the collaboration in order to reach more forestry operations. This is a long-term strategic investment to develop the latest technology for the digitalisation of the forest industry, says Johan Bergström.
Some examples of Dianthus products and services:
Dianthus road package

Based on the existing road network and known obstacles in the terrain, the off-road transport needs are then calculated. Based on this, it is finally possible to calculate where it is more profitable to build a road instead of driving the timber in the forest. Stora Enso is one of the customers.
Automated forest inventory services

National laser scanning and its freely available forest variables, together with a wealth of other readily available and useful data, have created a whole new set of conditions and opportunities to dare to think in new and different ways about traditional forest estimation. Dianthus has for a long time developed and marketed services for the automatic assessment of the forest in homogeneous stands and the estimation of forest parameters. The methodology is based on combining different data sources to create a reliable and practical forest overview in a structured and logical way. Over the past year, Dianthus has implemented AI/Deep Learning to take their forest overviews to new heights.

Collaboration portal for the reindeer husbandry and forestry industries. Forest owners and reindeer owners can plan and agree on actions in the forest in the same portal.